Interview with Maddie

Here are some collected excerpts from interviews conducted with Maddie Myers over the period from September 17 to September 20, 2000.

Interviewer (I)  Good morning Maddie, and thanks for taking the time to talk with us...

Maddie (M)  Click here to hear Maddie's answer


I.  So Maddie, we understand you're a brilliant and talented young lady...

M.  Click here to hear Maddie's answer


I.  First of all, are you able to confirm reports we are hearing that you like to eat, play and roll over, that you are exceptionally good when you are out in public, and that you love your Mommy and Daddy very much?

M.  Click here to hear Maddie's answer


I.  How would you respond to those who say you are spoiled?

M.  Click here to hear Maddie's answer


I.  I take that to mean you disagree?

M.  Click here to hear Maddie's answer


I.  OK then, moving on...we have sources who tell us that you are so smart that you actually know the alphabet already at less than 6 months this correct?

M.  Click here to hear Maddie's answer


I.  Tell us then...what is the first letter is your name?

M.  Click here to hear Maddie's answer


I.  That's rather remarkable!  Let's see if I can stump you here...can you tell us the name of your favorite Swedish pop group from the 70's?

M.  Click here to hear Maddie's answer


I.  Wow...(interviewer pauses, stunned) looks like we have a bonafide genius on our hands here!  Maddie, you know this means everyone will have extremely high expectations of you...

M.  Click here to hear Maddie's answer


I. I agree...that is scary!  Well, there you have it folks.  Only time will tell what wonders we can expect from this child...or rather INFANT...prodigy.

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